FMF Materials for Families
A Message to Families
The Families Moving Forward (FMF) Program understands the joys and challenges raising children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). We acknowledge that there the overwhelming lack of access to diagnoses and treatment for PAE and FASD, and that too many families are working with too little. The FMF Program is a clinical method of intervention. Our office trains mental healthcare professionals in delivering the FMF Program to families like your own.
If you are a family member of a child with FASD and are seeking tailored FASD health services, we encourage you to show your health or mental health care provider this website. Talk to your provider to see if they, their agency, or another qualified mental healthcare professional they know, might be willing and able to receive FMF Program Training. Together, we can break down barriers and move forward towards acceptance and expanded access to care for all families of children with PAE and FASD.